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Since 1978, the men and women of bet9注册口 have provided warm, caring transport service for patients going to and from hospitals, physician’s offices, skilled nursing facilities and home in Mecklenburg County, NC.

This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  To learn more about bet9注册口’s scheduled or non-emergency ambulance service, please call 704.943.6190.

When calling our non-emergency transport coordinator to arrange ambulance transportation for a patient or loved one, please have the following information available:

  • The patient’s name and the time, date and location of the request
  • Destination name and address
  • The patient’s acute medical complaints and special needs
  • bet9注册口al records and insurance information
  • Fill out this Downloadable Form

bet9注册口are and most insurance providers cover non-emergency ambulance transport when the service meets “medical necessity” criteria and is certified by the patient’s physician. According to the bet9注册口are ambulance manual (November 2010):

Non-emergency ambulance transportation may be provided, in some cases, when you need ambulance transportation to diagnose or treat your health condition and use of any other method of transportation could endanger your health.

Traditional bet9注册口are Part B does not cover transportation to and from a physician office, so the patient would be responsible for the whole cost of the transport. If the patient has a bet9注册口are Advantage plan the same conditions apply as bet9注册口are, however the patient’s policy may have a cost share amount for each ambulance transport (ie:  250.00-300.00) and the patient should be advised to check their policy for details.

In some cases, bet9注册口are covers limited non-emergency ambulance transportation if you have a statement from your doctor or other health care provider stating that ambulance transportation is necessary due to your medical condition. For example, bet9注册口are may cover non-emergency ambulance transportation for people confined to bed if other methods of transportation could endanger their health. A person is considered confined to bed if:

  • they can’t get up from bed without help
  • can’t walk
  • can’t sit in a chair or wheelchair.

If you are a beneficiary of a bet9注册口are Advantage replacement plan, please check your policy for any copays or cost sharing that may be applied to each non-emergency ambulance transport.

Contact bet9注册口are with questions regarding coverage eligibility at Cigna bet9注册口are or the U.S. Government’s bet9注册口are websites, or by calling bet9注册口are during normal business hours at 1-800-672-3071.

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